PhD Overview

28/06/2022 - 16:00

Robin Van Den Hauwe behaalde op 28 juni 2022 de academische graad van DOCTOR IN DE WETENSCHAPPEN met de volgende doctorale thesis: 'Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Apelin 13 Mimetics'

Robin Van Den Hauwe obtained on June 28, 2022 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: 'Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Apelin 13 Mimetics'

Promotors: Prof. dr. Steven Ballet

27/06/2022 - 17:00


Christophe De Troyer behaalde op 27 juni 2022 de academische graad van DOCTOR IN DE WETENSCHAPPEN met de volgende doctorale thesis: 'A meta-level architecture for stream-based programming languages and its applications in cyber-physical systems'

Christophe De Troyer obtained on June 27, 2022 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: 'A meta-level architecture for stream-based programming languages and its applications in cyber-physical systems'

Promotors: Prof. dr. Wolfgang De Meuter, Prof. dr. Jens Nicolay

27/06/2022 - 16:00

Gilles Inghelbrecht behaalde op 27 juni 2022 de academische graad van DOCTOR IN DE WETENSCHAPPEN met de volgende doctorale thesis: 'Parallelization of Least Squares Systems of Equations under the Matrix Splitting Theory'

Gilles Inghelbrecht obtained on June 27, 2022 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: 'Parallelization of Least Squares Systems of Equations under the Matrix Splitting Theory'

Promotors: Prof. dr. Kurt Barbé

22/06/2022 - 16:00

Christopher Kariuki behaalde op 22 juni 2022 de academische graad van DOCTOR IN DE BIO-INGENIEURSWETENSCHAPPEN met de volgende doctorale thesis: 'Deciphering the structure and function of select membrane associated proteins in haemo-protozoan parasites'

Christopher Kariuki obtained on June 22, 2022 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF BIOENGINEERING SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: 'Deciphering the structure and function of select membrane associated proteins in haemo-protozoan parasites'

Promotor: Prof. dr. ir. Stefan Magez

21/06/2022 - 17:00

Sam Van den Vonder behaalde op 21 juni 2022 de academische graad van DOCTOR IN DE WETENSCHAPPEN met de volgende doctorale thesis: 'On the Coexistence of Reactive Code and Imperative Code in Distributed Applications: A Language Design Approach'

Sam Van den Vonder obtained on June 21, 2022 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: 'On the Coexistence of Reactive Code and Imperative Code in Distributed Applications: A Language Design Approach'

Promotor: Prof. dr. Wolfgang De Meuter

14/06/2022 - 15:00

Griet Juwet behaalde op 14 juni 2022 de academische graad van DOCTOR IN DE WETENSCHAPPEN met de volgende doctorale thesis: 'Energietransitie als hefboom voor ruimtelijke en maatschappelijke transformatie. Een verkenning van de rol van planning en ontwerp in de verspreid verstedelijkte context van Vlaanderen'

Griet Juwet obtained on June 14, 2022 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: 'Energy transition as a catalyst for spatial and sociopolitical transformation. Exploring the role of planning and design in the dispersed urban context of Flanders'

Promotors: Prof. dr. Michael Ryckewaert, Prof. dr. Fabio Vanin

25/05/2022 - 17:00

Sam Mattheus behaalde op 25 mei 2022 de academische graad van DOCTOR IN DE WETENSCHAPPEN met de volgende doctorale thesis: 'Finite geometry and friends: tilings in abelian groups and combinatorics in spherical buildings'

Sam Mattheus obtained on May 25, 2022 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: 'Finite geometry and friends: tilings in abelian groups and combinatorics in spherical buildings'

Promotors: Prof. dr. Philippe Cara, Prof. dr. Jan De Beule

24/05/2022 - 11:15

Voorziene startdatum: 15/09/2022
Looptijd/duur contract: 1 jaar (jaarlijks hernieuwbaar tot max. 6 jaar)
Deadline voor kandidaatstelling: 15/06/2022

Omschrijving van de opdracht

Ondersteuning academisch onderwijs:
• Oefeningen- en practicabegeleiding in bachelor- en masteronderwijs: cartografie, geo-informatiekunde en aardobservatie
• Tutoring bachelorstudenten en begeleiding van bachelorpapers en masterthesissen
• Bijdrage tot de ontwikkeling en coördinatie van transversaal projectonderwijs

20/05/2022 - 16:00

Charlotte Verwimp behaalde op 20 mei 2022 de academische graad van DOCTOR IN DE WETENSCHAPPEN met de volgende doctorale thesis: 'Verzamelingtheoretische oplossingen van de Yang-Baxter vergelijking en geassocieerde algebraïsche structuren'

Charlotte Verwimp obtained on May 20, 2022 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: 'Set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation and associated algebraic structures'

Promotors: Prof. dr. Leandro Vendramin, Prof. dr. em. Eric Jespers

13/05/2022 - 15:00

Ruben Van Lommel behaalde op 13 mei 2022 de academische graad van DOCTOR IN DE WETENSCHAPPEN met de volgende doctorale thesis: 'Towards a better understanding and development strategy of supramolecular gels'

Ruben Van Lommel obtained on May 13, 2022 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: 'Towards a better understanding and development strategy of supramolecular gels'

Promotor: ¨Prof. dr. Wim De Borggraeve, Prof. dr. Frank De Proft, Prof. dr. Mercedes Alonso
