
Impactite, and shocked granite from IODP - ICDP core
06/03/2017 - 09:30


The AMGC group at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel recruits PhD students to work on the IODP-ICDP core in the KT boundary Chicxulub crater

03/03/2017 - 12:00

On March 3 2017 Pedro Parra Rivas obtained the academic degree of Doctor of Sciences with the following doctoral thesis:
Dynamics of dissipative localized structures in driven nonlinear optical cavities
Promotors: Prof. Jan Dackaert, Prof. Lendert Gelens & Prof. Damia Gomila
Joint PHD with Universitat de les Illes Balears

27/02/2017 - 16:00

On February 27th 2017 Hong Hanh Tran obtained the academic degree of Doctor of Sciences with the following doctoral thesis:
Land use change dynamics, its drivers and consequences in the Ca Mau province, Mekong delta, Vietnam
Promotor: Prof. Dr. Matthieu Kervyn

15/02/2017 - 09:30

Start it @kbc, de grootste incubator van België, stelde eerder deze week zijn gloednieuwe lichting van 38 start-ups voor. De vakjury selecteerde hen uit de maar liefst 143 businessvoorstellen die in januari werden ingediend. Een van deze projecten is van VUB-masterstudent Ingenieurswetenschappen: Computerwetenschappen Jente Rosseel.

10/02/2017 - 14:00

On February 10th 2017 Jaime Alberto Chavarriaga Lozano obtained the academic degree of Doctor of Sciences with the following doctoral thesis:
Using Multiple Feature Models of Domains and Regulations to Develop Configuration Systems
Promotors: Prof. Dr. Viviane Jonckers, Prof. Dr. Rubby Casallas
Joint PhD with Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia

03/02/2017 - 17:00

On February 3 2017  Laura van Bergen obtained the academic degree of Doctor of Sciences with the following doctoral thesis:
Insights into the architectural design of the active site of AhpE peroxiredoxin through an experimental and computational approach
Promotors: Prof. Dr. Frank De Proft, Prof. Dr. Joris Messens and Prof. Dr. Mercedes Alonso

30/01/2017 - 20:00

Vrouwelijke wetenschappers bepalen mee de geschiedenis. Ook nu. Maar te vaak blijven ze onopgemerkt. Het is hoog tijd ze een podium te geven. Met die boodschap nodigden Caroline Pauwels, rector van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Yvon Englert, rector van de Université Libre de Bruxelles, en het Brussels Institute of Mathematics (BIMS) maar liefst 400 gasten uit op maandag 30 januari voor een exclusieve avant-première van de film Hidden Figures.

27/01/2017 - 18:00

On January 27th 2017 Kevin Van Vaerenbergh obtained the academic degree of Doctor of Sciences with the following doctoral thesis:
Model-free Reinforcement Learning for Real-world Applications
Promotor: Prof. Dr. Ann Nowé

25/01/2017 - 17:00

On January 25th 2017 David Laureys obtained the academic degree of Doctor of Bioengineering Sciences (VUB) and Doctor of Science: Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Univ. Gent)
with the following doctoral thesis: Microbial species diversity, community dynamics, substrate consumption, and metabolite production during water kefir fermentation
Promotors: Prof. Dr. ir. Luc De Vuyst & Prof. Dr. Peter Vandamme
Joint PhD with Universiteit Gent
