Image VUB & Urban Environmental Geosciences








September 22, 2014




The research group GEOL (Isotope Geology and Evolution of the Paleoenvironments) has acquired a strong international reputation in the use of geochemical and isotopic tracers and their applications in a wide range of Earth Sciences questions, from large-scale planetary processes to the current Global Change problematic.

Recently, a new research program has been developed in the field of Urban Environmental Geosciences, with the city of Brussels as a first case study. This project demonstrates that geology forms an essential part of the environmental context of a city, and that geological knowledge can be used to address urbanization problems in the context of sustainable development.

The research focuses mainly on water and the understanding of complex urban-water fluxes (rainwater, urban rivers, groundwater, sewer networks...). It provides answers to key questions in environmental management for the public and the private sectors.

The approach focuses on in-depth knowledge of the geology, stratigraphy, hydrogeology, and geomorphology at regional and local scales, completed by the acquisition and/or compilation of data on the physical environment (drillings, piezometric levels, water supply & sewer systems, gutters, ancient river beds, porosity/permeability of underground layers, water-geochemistry etc.).

Collaboration with colleagues specialized in the study of the historical records of water in the city and with architects experienced in water compensation techniques leads to an interdisciplinary vision and the development of global long-term solutions.

Latest News

Seminars "Blue Network" in Brussels.


Nuit du Savoir/Nacht van de kennis/Night of knowledge in Brussels nr. 3 Kaaitheater
Watch the video of the presentation given by Philippe Claeys : "How to keep your feet dry in Brussels" (in French and Dutch)

Click here for video.


Kevin De Bondt, Tom Goosse and Philippe Claeys gave a talk at the Brussels Greentech.

Séminaire : "Inondations, présentation des compétences R&D en région bruxelloise” 09 September 2014 : 13h30 - 17h30 organized by Impulse.Brussels, Thurn & Taxis Plateforme Brussels Sustainable Research of Innoviris has been extended to the water sector.

See presentations.


Dr Guido Petrucci (PhD Ecole des Ponts, Paris Tech., 2012) rejoint the team with the support of INNOVIRIS to work on Effects of green spaces on urban hydrogeology.
Guido obtained his degree in Engineering jointly from Ecole Centrale de Paris & Politecnico di Milano and carried out his Master's thesis in Natural Resources and Management of Water reservoirs' optimisation. His PhD thesis was titled : The diffusion of source control for urban storm water management : A comparison between the current practices and the hydrological rationality. He is a very welcome addition to the team.

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