
Laurine Budorf
04/04/2017 - 07:45

Laurine Burdorf (PhD student of Filip Meysman) recently won the ‘VLIZ Brilliant Marine Research Idea’ award

29/03/2017 - 17:30

On March 29th 2017 Nathalie Tonné obtained the academic degree of Doctor in Sciences with the following doctoral thesis:
TO MOVE OR TO STAY PUT: Rhizophoraceae mangrove species autoecology in the early life stages of the viviparous seedlings
Promotor: Prof. Dr. Nico Koedam

13/03/2017 - 16:00

On March 13 2017 Lana Beck obtained the academic degree of Doctor in Sciences with the following doctoral thesis:
The Search for the Standard Model Production of Four Top Quarks
Joint PhD with University of Bristol
Promotors: Prof. Dr. Freya Blekman & Prof. Dr. Joel Goldstein

Impactite, and shocked granite from IODP - ICDP core
06/03/2017 - 09:30


The AMGC group at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel recruits PhD students to work on the IODP-ICDP core in the KT boundary Chicxulub crater

03/03/2017 - 12:00

On March 3 2017 Pedro Parra Rivas obtained the academic degree of Doctor of Sciences with the following doctoral thesis:
Dynamics of dissipative localized structures in driven nonlinear optical cavities
Promotors: Prof. Jan Dackaert, Prof. Lendert Gelens & Prof. Damia Gomila
Joint PHD with Universitat de les Illes Balears

27/02/2017 - 16:00

On February 27th 2017 Hong Hanh Tran obtained the academic degree of Doctor of Sciences with the following doctoral thesis:
Land use change dynamics, its drivers and consequences in the Ca Mau province, Mekong delta, Vietnam
Promotor: Prof. Dr. Matthieu Kervyn

15/02/2017 - 09:30

Start it @kbc, de grootste incubator van België, stelde eerder deze week zijn gloednieuwe lichting van 38 start-ups voor. De vakjury selecteerde hen uit de maar liefst 143 businessvoorstellen die in januari werden ingediend. Een van deze projecten is van VUB-masterstudent Ingenieurswetenschappen: Computerwetenschappen Jente Rosseel.

10/02/2017 - 14:00

On February 10th 2017 Jaime Alberto Chavarriaga Lozano obtained the academic degree of Doctor of Sciences with the following doctoral thesis:
Using Multiple Feature Models of Domains and Regulations to Develop Configuration Systems
Promotors: Prof. Dr. Viviane Jonckers, Prof. Dr. Rubby Casallas
Joint PhD with Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia

03/02/2017 - 17:00

On February 3 2017  Laura van Bergen obtained the academic degree of Doctor of Sciences with the following doctoral thesis:
Insights into the architectural design of the active site of AhpE peroxiredoxin through an experimental and computational approach
Promotors: Prof. Dr. Frank De Proft, Prof. Dr. Joris Messens and Prof. Dr. Mercedes Alonso
