Vakgroep Wiskunde en Data Science

... in volle evolutie

18/03/2016 - 11:45

Het kon niet uitblijven, en dit jaar is hij dus aan de beurt: Andrew Wiles heeft de Abelprijs gekregen, de ‘Nobelprijs’ voor de wiskunde. Wiles was alleen onder collega’s bekend, toen hij in 1995 plotseling wereldfaam verwierf omdat hij er in was geslaagd de Laatste stelling van Fermat te bewijzen.

Voor meer informatie over het verhaal van Andrew Wiles verwijzen wij u door naar dit artikel

03/02/2016 - 09:00

You are cordially invited to the series of lectures on research challenges and emerging technologies for computational modeling of economic and financial domains. The VUB has appointed the Vloeberghsleerstoel 2015-2016 to Peter McBurney, head of the Department of Informatics, King’s College, London, UK.

11/01/2016 - 10:30

Professor Stefaan Vaes will take up the Francqui Chair 2015-2016 at the Department of Mathematics, VUB.
Stefaan Vaes is professor of mathematics at the KU Leuven and is an expert in von Neumann algebras and ergodic actions. In 2015 he obtained the prestigious Francqui prize.
Inaugural lecture: Classification of von Neumann algebras and their quantum symmetries - Monday 22 February 2016 at 18:00.

16/12/2015 - 15:00

On December 16 2015 Sara Rottey obtained the academic degree of DOCTOR IN SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis:

Characterising substructures of finite projective spaces

Promotors: Dr. Geertrui Van de Voorde, Prof. Dr. Philippe Cara and Prof. Dr. Leo Storme

Joint Phd with Universiteit Gent

18/11/2015 - 16:15

Eric Jespers, Full Professor at the Mathematics Department of Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and Ángel del Río, Full Professor at the Mathematics Department of Universidad de Murcia, are the co-autors of a new two-volume graduate textbook entitled 'GROUP RING - GROUPS'. With a comprehensive, state-of-the-art account of describing large subgroups of the unit group of the integral group ring of a finite
group and, more generally, of the unit group of an order in a finite dimensional semisimple rational algebra.

27/03/2015 - 16:00

On March 27th 2015 Inneke Van Gelder obtained the academic degree of DOCTOR in SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis:
Group representations: idempotents in group algebras and applications to units
Promotor: Prof. Dr. Eric Jespers
Co-promotor: Prof. Dr. Gabriela Olteanu

08/12/2014 - 09:45

Het Expertisecentrum Wetenschapscommunicatie van de VUB heeft een gloednieuwe website. brengt naast populair-wetenschappelijke activiteiten en breaking wetenschapsnieuws ook wekelijkse updates over experimenten, gedachtenspinsels, wetenschappelijke expedities en onderzoeksresultaten van VUB-onderzoekers.

31/10/2014 - 17:30

On October 31, 2014 Georg KLEIN obtained the Academic degree of
DOCTOR in SCIENCE with the following doctoral thesis:
Finitely presented algebras defined by permutation relations
promotor: Prof. Dr. Eric Jespers
