Vakgroep Chemie
Conceptual Density Functional Theory
Conceptual Density Functional Theory

In the context of reactivity descriptors in Conceptual DFT, the  nearly unexploited (χ(r,r’)) reveals its chemical and physical significance

Expeditie in Antarctica
Expeditie in Antarctica

Aankomst in de Russische basis Novolaszarevskaya. Op weg naar het Belgisch Research Station Princes Elisabeth op Antarctica

Meteoriet  Inslag in Noorwegen
Meteoriet Inslag in Noorwegen

Excursie naar de Precambrium schiervlakte in de Geilo / Skurdalen, mogelijke meteoriet impact structuren over een periode van 150 miljoen jaar

In het Labo
In het Labo

Hoog technologische instrumenten ter beschikking ter ondersteuning van het onderzoek in de verschillende vakgroepen

12/04/2016 - 12:15

The project deals with shock metamorphic effects on plagioclase, a common mineral in the Solar System but little considered.

15/03/2016 - 09:15

The research team ORGANIC SYNTHESIS (ORSY) of the Department of Chemistry of the University of Antwerp (Prof. Bert Maes), in collaboration with the Research Group of Organic Chemistry (ORGC) of the  Departments  of  Chemistry  and  Bio-engineering  Sciences  of  the  Free  University  of  Brussels  (VUB) (Prof. Steven Ballet), announces the availability of a full time postdoctoral position.

25/02/2016 - 17:00

On February 25th 2016 Jagoda Drozdzak obtained the academic degree of Doctor in Sciences with the following doctoral thesis:

Uranium speciation in the vicinity of the former uranium mining sites by the Diffuse Gradients in Thin Films (DGT) technique

Promotor: Prof. Dr. Martine Leermakers

02/02/2016 - 16:00

On February 2nd 2016 Ben Schurgers obtained the academic degree of Doctor in Sciences with the following doctoral thesis:
Synthesis of new heterocyclic compounds based on the 3-aminoazpinone scaffold for broad screening purposes in medicinal chemistry
Promotor: Prof. Dr. ir. Guido Verniest

18/12/2015 - 16:00

On Friday 18th December 2015 Zino Boisdenghien obtained the academic degree of Doctor in Sciences with the following doctoral thesis:
The Linear Response Function in Conceptual Density Functional Theory: Fundamental Aspects and Applications to Atoms
Promotors: Prof. Dr. Paul Geerlings, Prof. Dr. Frank De Proft and Dr. Stijn Fias

10/12/2015 - 10:00

On December 10, 2015 Nadia Van Roosbroek obtained the academic degree of Doctor in Sciences with the following doctoral thesis:

The record of primitive IIE meteorites: Implications for the formation of silicate-bearing iron meteorites

Joint PhD between Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Université Libre de Bruxelles

Promotors: Prof. Vinciane Debaille and Prof. Philippe Claeys

25/11/2015 - 16:00

On November 25th 2015 Joke Belza obtained the academic degree of Doctor in Science with the following doctoral thesis:

Petrography and Geochemistry of Ejecta Deposits from the K/Pg Boundary Chicxulub crater (Yucatan, Mexico)

Promotors: Prof. Dr. Philippe Claeys and Prof. Dr. Frank Vanhaecke
Jury members : E. Keppens (president), M. Elskens (secretary), Steven Goderis (VUB), Johan De Grave (UGent), Christian Koeberl (Univ. Vienna), Jan Smit (VUA), Ph. Claeys and Frank Vanhaecke (as advisors).

Joint phD between Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Universiteit Gent.

07/10/2015 - 16:00

On October 7th 2015 Maria Venetia Apostolopoulou obtained the academic degree of Doctor in Sciences with the following doctoral thesis:
Evaluation of Posidonia oceanica as a biomonitoring organism to assess oil pollution
Promotor: Prof. Dr. Frank Dehairs

10/09/2015 - 16:00

On September 10th 2015 Güryel Songül obtained the academic degree of Doctor in Sciences with the following doctoral thesis:
A Computational Analysis of Graphene: From Intrinsic Properties to Nanocomposites
Promotors: Prof. Dr. Paul Geerlings, Prof. Dr. Frank De Proft and Prof. Dr. Gregory Van Lier

08/12/2014 - 09:45

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