Vakgroep Computerwetenschappen
Vakgroep Computerwetenschappen

40 jaar CW @ VUB! Lees meer of bekijk het videove

11/09/2015 - 17:00

On September 11th 2015 Dries Harnie obtained the academic degree of DOCTOR IN SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis:
Blame Prediction: Early detection of type errors in dynamically typed programming languages
Promotor: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang De Meuter

08/09/2015 - 13:30

IBM organizes a “Master the Mainframe” contest. Students as well as non-students can participate, but only students can win some fantastic prizes (Apple Watches, a Raspberry Pi kits and a “Master the Mainframe” T-shirt). Registration can be done as of 14 September at (select Benelux as country). The contest starts on October 5th and ends on December 31st.

26/06/2015 - 17:00

On June 26th 2015 Hoste Lode obtained the academic degree of Doctor in Sciences with the following doctoral thesis:
A Declarative Approach for Engineering Multimodal Interaction
Promotors: Prof. Dr. Beat Signer & Prof. Dr. Wolfgang De Meuter

15/05/2015 - 16:00

On May 15th 2015 Saba Yahyaa obtained the academic degree of Doctor in Sciences with the following doctoral thesis: Explorations in Reinforcement Learning: Online Action Selection and Online Value Function Approximation
Promotor: Prof. Dr. Bernard Manderick

09/03/2015 - 14:15

During the qualifiers for the 2015 Cyber Security Challenge, which took place on Wednesday 4 March and Thursday 5 March, several students of our university scored very well.

27/01/2015 - 16:15

On January 27th 2015 David Catteeuw obtained the academic degree of DOCTOR in SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis:

Emergence of Honest Signaling through Learning and Evolution.

Promotor: Prof. Dr. Bernard Manderick

23/01/2015 - 16:15

On January 23rd 2015 Joeri DE KOSTER obtained the academic degree of DOCTOR in SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis:

Domains: Language Abstractions for Controlling Shared Mutable State in Actor Systems.

Promotor: Prof. Dr. Theo D'Hondt & Dr. Tom Van Cutsem

08/12/2014 - 09:45

Het Expertisecentrum Wetenschapscommunicatie van de VUB heeft een gloednieuwe website. brengt naast populair-wetenschappelijke activiteiten en breaking wetenschapsnieuws ook wekelijkse updates over experimenten, gedachtenspinsels, wetenschappelijke expedities en onderzoeksresultaten van VUB-onderzoekers.
