Astronomy and Astrophysics


Members of the research group provide education in astronomy and astrophysics at the Bachelor and Master levels. Education is also focused on the development of practical skills. In the second year, students will receive as part of their introductory astronomy course, an interactive lab presented (Star Light in the classroom). We work based on their own observations, made by the students with a steerable telescope via the Internet.

Test your astronomical knowledge (NL version)


Compulsary Course during the Bachelor Program

Introduction to astronomy

Prof Joris Blommaert
For who: 2BA Physics and Astronomy
When: 1st semester



Elective Courses during the Bachelor Program

The following courses will be given alternating

Galactic Astronomy

Prof Gianfranco Gentile
For who: 2BA en 3 BA Physics and Astronomy
When: 2nd semester, odd academic years

Extragalactic Astronomy

Prof Gianfranco Gentile
For who: 2BA en 3 BA Physics and Astronomy
When: 2nd semester, even academic years



Compulsary Course during the Master Program

Simulations for Astrophysics

Prof Jean-Pierre De Greve
Voor who: 1MA Physics and Astronomy
When: 1st semester



Elective Course during the Master Program

Stellar Systems: Origin, Structure and Evolution

Prof Dany Vanbeveren
For who: 2MA Physics and Astronomy
When: 2nd semester