Analytical, Environmental and Geo- Chemistry


30/09/2016 - 10:30

On September 30th 2016 Dorina Seitaj obtained the academic degree of Doctor in Sciences with the following doctoral thesis:
Impact of cable bacteria on the biogeochemical cycling in a seasonally hypoxic coastal basin
Promotor: Prof. Dr. ir. Filip Meysman

12/09/2016 - 14:30

Op 10 september opende in het Naturalismuseum in Leiden de tentoonstelling ‘T. rex in Town’. Trix de T. rex is de hoofdrolspeler van deze tentoonstelling, waar de Vrije Universiteit Brussel ook een bijdrage aan leverde. Onderzoekers van het AMGC-team (Analytical, Environmental and Geo-Chemistry) zochten de leeftijd van het reusachtige dier uit.

09/08/2016 - 14:45

At the International Conference of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health, recently organized in Brussels, Sebastiaan van de Velde won the prize for best PhD student oral presentation.

30/05/2016 - 09:30

Nature paper by AMGC Sophie Verheyden, on evidence for one of the oldest human construction made by Neanderthals, in a deep cave in France, some 176,5 thousand years ago: "Early Neanderthal constructions deep in Bruniquel Cave in southwestern France". A view-only version of the paper

30/05/2016 - 09:15

Vocatio Fellowship for David De Vleeschouwer, former AMGC member. On Wed. May 25, the VOCATIO foundation rewarded 15 young laureates from the humanities, sciences, arts, and medicine. Among them, our former PhD student David who received a 10.000 € grant to study the evolution of the Australian Monsoon over the last 6 million years. Portraits of the laureates appear this week in the popular Belgian magazines Knack and Le Vif.

12/04/2016 - 12:15

The project deals with shock metamorphic effects on plagioclase, a common mineral in the Solar System but little considered.

25/02/2016 - 17:00

On February 25th 2016 Jagoda Drozdzak obtained the academic degree of Doctor in Sciences with the following doctoral thesis:

Uranium speciation in the vicinity of the former uranium mining sites by the Diffuse Gradients in Thin Films (DGT) technique

Promotor: Prof. Dr. Martine Leermakers

10/12/2015 - 10:00

On December 10, 2015 Nadia Van Roosbroek obtained the academic degree of Doctor in Sciences with the following doctoral thesis:

The record of primitive IIE meteorites: Implications for the formation of silicate-bearing iron meteorites

Joint PhD between Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Université Libre de Bruxelles

Promotors: Prof. Vinciane Debaille and Prof. Philippe Claeys

25/11/2015 - 16:00

On November 25th 2015 Joke Belza obtained the academic degree of Doctor in Science with the following doctoral thesis:

Petrography and Geochemistry of Ejecta Deposits from the K/Pg Boundary Chicxulub crater (Yucatan, Mexico)

Promotors: Prof. Dr. Philippe Claeys and Prof. Dr. Frank Vanhaecke
Jury members : E. Keppens (president), M. Elskens (secretary), Steven Goderis (VUB), Johan De Grave (UGent), Christian Koeberl (Univ. Vienna), Jan Smit (VUA), Ph. Claeys and Frank Vanhaecke (as advisors).

Joint phD between Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Universiteit Gent.

13/02/2015 - 14:30

Martine Leermakers is onlangs benoemd tot Associate Editor van Chemosphere, een van de meest prestigieuze wetenschappelijke tijdschriften op het gebied van chemie. Leermakers is onder meer verbonden aan de vakgroep Analytische en Milieuchemie van de VUB-faculteit Wetenschappen en de onderzoeksgroep Earth System Sciences.
